We charge and automatically deduct a small percentage from your investment account based on the total amount of assets that we manage on your behalf. This annual percentage rate ranges from 0.50% to 1.50% depending on the amount of assets under management. We prefer this type of billing as it best aligns our interests. The more your account grows the more we both make, and vice versa if the account value declines.
We have tried in the past to offer standardized pricing but have found that that doesn’t work well for most people. We try to price our planning services depending on the scope of work for each client. We offer project-based services and quote at $200/hourly rate.
No, all investment management client receives full service financial planning.
We currently have a $5,000 annual minimum fee for investment management services. We do offer project-based services that are priced on an individual basis. Our business is not designed to bring on as many people as possible. We want to be able to provide people with a very deep service experience and work with clients that will be a good fit for the long run. For that reason, we are selective in who we accept to be our clients.
Fee-Only means we are compensated only by the fee that we charge our clients. That could be a financial planning fee, depending on the scope of work, or an investment management fee based on total assets under management. The point is that we are not compensated by any third parties, nor do we sell any specific set of products that would pay us a commission. This way we can promise that what we recommend will always be in your best interest, without any undisclosed expense. To learn more, visit: https://www.napfa.org/financial-planning/what-is-fee-only-advising
Yes, we are. The business model is simple: Do the right thing, every time, without exception.
Absolutely. We have clients across the country and our process is entirely digital.
I have been managing money professionally since 2017 and received my Certified Financial Planner ™ designation in 2020.
I started the business when I was 23 and wanted to offer a service the brought a new style of investment management to the area. Fee-Only and independent. We were the first in our area to offer such service. As my experience grew, so did my horizons. I wanted to go deeper with my clients and offer more impactful advice. I discovered Kingdom Advisors and faith-based advising, and I knew immediately that I wanted to change how we do business.
While we hope for a long-lasting relationship, things happen. You are entirely in control of your accounts and they may be easily transferred at your discretion. Any fees will be refunded for the amount of time billed but not serviced.
All clients accounts are established, custodied, and managed through Charles Schwab, an industry leading broker and custodian. All transactions, investment changes, and deposits/withdrawals are processed directly through them. In this way your money is securely held and managed at one of the industry leading custodians and you are able to use their technology to view and make changes your account. We are not affiliated with Charles Schwab and receive no compensation to use their platform.
Yes, we can offer traditional low-cost investments, Christian-based, or ESG investments if they meet our investment criteria.
Our goal is to integrate all that we do with our Christian lives. That includes how we run our business, manage our finances, and the advice we give. We believe the Bible speaks authoritatively to money and how we should manage it as stewards. We strive to do that with our business and help all of our clients in achieving that same goal in their personal lives.
No, we do not. Instead we find out what product would be best for our client in their particular scenario and we reach out to trusted brokers on our clients behalf. We receive no compensation in these transactions.
Yes, we do have the capability to manage donor-advised fund accounts and manage them according to your wishes. There is typically a $250,000 minimum requirement to be able to provide custom management.
Yes, we currently service for profit and not for profit employer-sponsored retirement plans. We also specialize in designing plans to help you achieve your business goals and how to best benefit your employees.